More than 20 veterans commit suicide every day. Organizations such as 22 Kill and Active Heroes have brought a lot of awareness to the mental healthcare needs of those who have served our nation, but the truth is, no matter how aware we are of suicidality in veterans,...
When it comes to depression, no one is exempt—especially those at the tops of their industries. In fact, as a result of the stress that goes hand-in-hand with their careers, plus the personal characteristics that have enabled them to become successful in the first...
In April 2018, we shared some promising information about a Yale School of Medicine study that found ketamine to be highly effective in reducing the symptoms of depression in a 16-year old patient suffering from suicidal ideations. After having declared himself...
Opioid addiction has increased by over 500% in the last seven years—there is hardly an American who doesn’t know someone who is addicted, who has been directly affected by opiate addiction, or who is addicted himself. In response to this epidemic, the CDC has enacted...
The mind-altering effects of psychedelic drugs may do more than just change a person’s state of consciousness. In a new study recently published in Cell Reports, researchers at the University of California, David found that substances such as LSD, DMT and MDMA...
In an exciting development, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine published the first set of guidelines for the use of ketamine for treating pain—a framework for doctors and institutions, who should get it, and who should not. Ketamine infusions have emerged as a...