“Incredibly effective.” “Truly remarkable.” These are just a few of the comments made about the results of the latest ketamine trial – the first ever randomized control trial to study the effect of ketamine on people aged 60+ suffering from treatment resistant depression.

This trial, led by professor Colleen Loo of the University of New South Wales in conjunction with the Black Dog Institute, is noteworthy for several reasons: (1.) it deals with a more mature population that not only resisted earlier methods of treatment, but that also can be generally very difficult to treat with traditional antidepressants or medications (2.) ketamine was not administered via IV infusion; rather it was administered via a small, subcutaneous injection reminiscent of insulin injections for diabetes patients, and (3.) the positive antidepressant effects of the ketamine lasted at least six months for 43% of the subjects. 70% of the subjects reported an improvement in their depressive symptoms while undergoing ketamine treatment.

Recently, ketamine has shown great promise in treating severely depressed and suicidal adolescents. It seems there is no age limit on the positive effects of ketamine.


Ketamine is no one-trick pony. This “wonder drug” is also a popular treatment for chronic pain – hard to treat conditions such as CRPS and fibromyalgia. Furthermore, ketamine is also being studied as a relapse-prevention medication for recovering addicts and alcoholics, as well as a PTSD treatment – both pro- and reactively – for first responders, veterans, and other people who are exposed to highly stressful situations and environments.


The more we learn about ketamine for chronic pain, depression and psychiatric disorders, the more wonderful it seems. Oftentimes met with confusion or misguided judgement, ketamine infusions can and do change lives. We see it all the time at Vitalitas Denver.

Unfortunately, ketamine is still an inaccessible option for many people. While ketamine clinics around the country are doing their fair share to bring new hope to the lives of people suffering from physically and emotionally painful conditions, the lack of potential profit has prevented any major pharmaceutical company from funding the trials necessary for ketamine to gain FDA approval.

There is hope, though, as another recent study has shed light on what may be ketamine’s antidepressive mechanism. This discovery could enable Big Pharma to research and develop a new drug – something similar to ketamine – but with the opportunity to slap a profitable patent onto it.

Until ketamine is FDA approved for the treatment of depression and pain, we are committed to keeping our prices low and making ketamine infusions accessible to as many people as possible. If you think ketamine could help you or a loved one, contact us via the brief form below. We’ll connect you with an experienced member of our team who can answer your questions and help you determine the right course of treatment.

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