Whether youโ€™re feeling the stress that comes from everyday life or suffering from an anxiety disorder, managing your symptoms can be difficult.

Whether youโ€™re feeling the stress that comes from everyday life or suffering from an anxiety disorder, managing your symptoms can be difficult. While there are certainly approved treatments for the condition, such as medication and talk therapy, for many people these are not enough to properly manage stress and anxiety. If you find that youโ€™re having difficulty keeping your anxiety under control, newer therapies such as magnesium and ketamine treatment may be helpful options.

Magnesium to Manage Stress and Anxiety

Magnesium as an essential nutrient helps regulate many significant processes in your bodyโ€”including managing your muscles and nerves, maintaining blood sugar levels, and ensuring proper cell functioning. Magnesium can also help with a variety of ailments, including blood pressure and migraine headaches.

If you suffer from anxiety, magnesium can also help. Evidence suggests that taking a magnesium supplement can benefit your mental health in multiple ways. One way is by regulating your bodyโ€™s cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone produced by your adrenal glands. When you experience stress, your body releases more cortisol. Too much cortisol can be bad for both your body and your mental health, and magnesium can help regulate this level. Another way that magnesium can help is by balancing the neurotransmitters in your brain. These chemicals, which allow the brain to send messages, can overfire when you become stressed and make your anxiety worse. Magnesium has been shown to prevent this.

There are many ways to increase your magnesium intake. Certain foods, such as nuts and whole grains, are rich in magnesium, and eating lots of these foods can help regulate your nervous system. In addition, over-the-counter supplements of different forms of magnesium are readily available.

Look to Ketamine Treatment

While increasing your magnesium intake can be a great way to boost mental health, if you continue to suffer from anxiety, ketamine treatment may be able to offer you some much-needed relief. Ketamine is a safe and innovative therapy that has been proven to treat a wide range of mental disorders, particularly in patients who have been resistant to other forms of treatment. Ketamine is administered by trained medical professionals in a clinical setting.

If you have any questions about ketamine therapy or other aspects of mental health treatment, do not hesitate to contact the experienced professionals at Vitalitas Denver. Fill out the form below and start prioritizing your mental health today.

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