For many people, the stigma remains. It’s simply unmanly to feel depressed.

The fact of the matter, though, is that depression is a disease that affects people of all genders. Masculinity and depression are not mutually exclusive terms, and getting treatment won’t make you less of a man—it’ll only make you feel much better.

Masculinity and Depression

Although women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with depression, depression is frequent among men as well. Part of the reason for the disparity is that men are less likely to report symptoms due to old taboos about masculinity and depression. This is unfortunate because depression can have serious consequences for people of any gender, and treatment is readily available.

While many depression symptoms are similar for both men and women, other symptoms are more common in men. Among the most common depression symptoms across genders are feelings of sadness and hopelessness, fatigue, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, and lack of interest in favorite activities. Depression symptoms that are more common among men than women may include the following:

    • Alcohol or drug abuse
    • Risky or escapist behavior
    • Anger that is difficult to control or violent behavior
    • Headaches and other kinds of pain
    • Difficulty getting along with people closest to you

Getting Treatment for Depression

Luckily, there are many options when it comes to treating depression. The hardest step is simply acknowledging that you’re not feeling right. If you are noticing any of the symptoms described above, calling a mental health professional can be a huge first step towards getting yourself back on track.

Common treatments for depression include talk therapy and medication. Other options include newer treatments such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or ketamine therapy. Ketamine therapy is a safe and popular option that is especially effective for people who have been resistant to other treatments. Ketamine treatment is always carried out under the supervision of a trained medical professional. It is safe and non-addictive, and is effective in up to 70 percent of patients.

Contact Vitalitas Denver

If you have any questions about ketamine treatment for depression, do not hesitate to contact the experienced professionals at Vitalitas Denver. Fill out the form below and start feeling better today!

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