Over the last few years, episodes of teenage depression and new diagnoses have sharply increased across the United States. 

If we view this through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not too surprising. The reality is, however, that this mental health trend has been increasing since 2013. According to statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control, 9 percent of Americans between the ages of 3 and 17 struggle with anxiety, depression, or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and 20 percent of American teens have suffered severe depressive episodes. These are strong signs of a mental health crisis that demands teenage anxiety and depression solutions…and fast.

Teenage depression is, in many ways, an emotional rite of passage. It is not unusual for young people to feel overwhelmed by the numerous physical and mental changes brought on by the simple course of human development. There is also, however, the more significant impact of peer pressure and socioeconomic expectations. Just think: if you, as an adult, feel the weight of the Coronavirus pandemic, imagine having to cope with it alongside the process of coming-to-age.

Recommendations to Help Prevent Teen Depression
Trustworthy and resourceful adults who can listen and spring into action when needed are the most valuable allies young people can have these days. Teens can take emotional comfort in knowing that someone is there to help. Feeling protected and cared for can work wonders in terms of reducing teenage anxiety.

Reducing social media exposure is another way to reduce or alleviate depressive symptoms in teens. Excessive use of social media, particularly during self-intimate moments such as before going to bed, can exacerbate mental health issues through sleep deprivation, distorted self-image, and even feelings of alienation. Spending more than five hours each day on social networks is not conducive to the mental development of adolescents.

Making new friends and fostering healthy relationships can also prevent anxiety and depression, starting at an early age. Teenagers need social connection with peers, and these connections should include relationships that range from casual to intimate, once age-appropriate.

Positive interactions that keep young people busy and active can go a long way towards striking a mental health balance. Early feelings of accomplishment and productivity are essential to long-term emotional development.

Treating Adolescents During Times of Mental Health Crisis
Various treatment options are available to young people who can’t seem to shake off the blues or leave their anxieties behind. For teens whose depression or anxiety is interfering with their day-to-day lives, here are a few common teenage anxiety and depression solutions:

Talk Therapy
Mental health problems can be caused by neurochemical imbalances or neurological issues, but they invariably feature emotional and behavioral aspects. This can sometimes be alleviated through talk therapy.

In many cases, medication for teenage anxiety and depression will be prescribed along with talk therapy. This combination of treatment strategies has helped improved the personal outlook of many teens as they transition into adulthood.

Ketamine Therapy
Approximately 30 percent of young patients who take medication for teenage anxiety and depression will not experience improvement, and this makes them candidates for ketamine infusions. In many cases, ketamine patients become responsive to talk therapy and other depression treatments after just a few infusions.


Contact Vitalitas Denver

To learn more about ketamine therapy for the treatment of teenage depression, please contact Vitalitas Denver using the brief form below. Our team includes a wide range of highly-experienced medical professionals, from anesthesiologists to psychiatrists. We are one of the most trusted ketamine clinics in Colorado, and have performed thousands of ketamine infusions at our locations in Littleton and Westminster. Contact us today and find out if you or a loved one is a candidate.

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